We have been very busy enjoying ourselves over the past few weeks. First, we spent three days in Maidenhead, staying at a lovely Bed and Breakfast called Sunny Cottage, where we had the most fantastic breakfasts ever! It's a wonder we didn't end up as round as barrels!
We were in Maidenhead because our daughter-in-law, Tracey, was home from Malaysia for a few weeks with Amelia ( nearly 9) and Jasmine (3). Our son, Keith, was unable to come because he has just signed a new three-year contract and was settling in his new job.

We had a great day at Odd's Farm, joined by our daughter, Katherine, and her three children - Joe (14), Katie-Anne (12) and Rosie (6). There was plenty to see and do and the 5 cousins had a great day together.
The following day Tracey, the girls, Dave and I had a day in London. We went on the London Eye - what long queues! even though we had pre-booked our tickets, we queued for over an hour - the ride was worth it. Amelia also wanted to see Big Ben, so we went along and stood underneath it. It obligingly struck the hour as we approached.
Some friends of Tracey's invited us all to a Family Barbecue in their garden on the Thursday evening, extending our time together.
All too soon, our short time together was over and we had to say, "Goodbye." Tracey and the girls flew back to Malaysia. Our contacts in the foreseeable future will be via Skype.
Such a special time, family meeting up. The pictures are amazing...